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Wed 1 March 2017 (20h30)

Jours étranges



A show of the 40th anniversary of the Centre Pompidou

Catherine Legrand, accompanied by six women, six beautiful dancers, takes another look at the major piece by Dominique Bagouet, Jours étranges. Let’s not forget that Dominique Bagouet was one of the emblematic choreographers of the new French dance movement who began in the early 70’s, was institutionalized in 1981 and accepted on the international stage. On the music from the album Strange Days by the Doors, the dancers embody the rowdiness, the enthusiasm, the revolt, the weakness. More than 25 years after its creation, this is a sensual, nostalgic and incandescent hymn to the youth who wonderfully resists the test of time.

Catherine Legrand, who signs here the “re-creation” of Jours étranges, was Dominique Bagouet’s assistant on the original piece. She is a deeply moving witness.

Dominique Bagouet: Dancer and choreographer, born Angouleme 9 July 1951, died Montpellier 9 December 1992.
Dominique Bagouet had been obsessed by the dance since early childhood, when his parents took him to Barcelona and he saw his first flamenco performance, at the age of five. He was always dancing, dancing for anyone who would watch, for even then he was conscious of the necessity to project his feelings to an audience. He admitted that he was a great show-off when he danced at family parties, but that proves he was born with an instinctive theatricality, an immense desire to please, a longing to entertain and bring happiness to others.
Dominique Bagouet left his imprint on dance as if in line-engraving, with the feeling that there will always be a part of childhood in art. It is in this spirit that Catherine Legrand revive with ten teenagers Jours étranges, created in 1990 and using the album Strange Daysby the Doors. That is a way to rediscover the freshness of movement Dominique Bagouet had succeeded in spurring.

infos pratiques

Le Quartz, Grand Théâtre

50 min
Plein Tarif 24€ / Carte Quartz 18€ / Abonné 16€ / Carte Quartz+/Abonné+ 12€ ou PASS



Création 2016
Chorégraphie : Dominique Bagouet (1990)
Direction artistique : Catherine Legrand
Interprètes : Magali Caillet, Lucie Collardeau, Katja Fleig, Elise Ladoué, Pénélope Parrau, Annabelle Pulcini
Musique : The Doors : extraits de l’album Strange Days
Environnement musical : Thomas Poli
Scénographie : Laurent Gachet, adaptée par Vincent Gadras
Costumes : Laure Fonvieille
Lumières : Didier Martin
Administration : Anne Abeille
Photographe : Caroline Ablain

Production : Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy
Co-production : Le Théâtre, Scène nationale de Mâcon-Val de Saône, Théâtre National de Bretagne ; Le Triangle, cité de la danse/Rennes
Avec le soutien de : Adami ; Famille Bagouet ; Collectif Danse Rennes Métropole pour le prêt de studio
Remerciements : Le Musée de la Danse pour le prêt de studio

Tournée :
12 janvier 2017 > La Halle aux Grains / Blois
21 janvier 2017 > Théâtre de l’Olivier / Istres
du 26 au 28 janvier 2017 > Bonlieu, Scène nationale / Annecy